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Baird Memorial Carillon


Administration Tower

In 1973, Ruth Baird Larabee made a donation to Texas Tech University to buy and install a carillon in memory of her parents. The Charles and Ruth Baird Memorial Carillon is located in the west tower of the administration building at the center of the Texas Tech campus. The beautiful music of the 36-bell instrument has rung out over the campus during times of celebration and solemnity for over 50 years, enjoyed by students, faculty, and staff, as well as visitors to the university. The carillon has became a one of our treasured Tech traditions.

The original carillon was refurbished and extended in 2005, adding additional bells to make 3 ½ octaves. The bourdon (the largest bell) weighs approximately eight hundred pounds, and the smallest, only about eight pounds. The lowest 12 of the bells were cast by Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England, 24 were cast by the Paccard Foundry in France, and the newest bells by Meeks, Watson & Company of Ohio, the firm that continues to maintain the instrument. The carillon is lovingly maintained with funding from an endowment established by The CH Foundation.

Every year since its inception, the Carol of Lights has featured carillon music. Playing the carillon on the Fourth of July at 1:00 p.m., in conjunction with the ceremonial ringing of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, summer Sunday evening concerts, and the Fall semester Techsan Memorial ceremony are other Tech traditions in which the carillon is involved.

Please see the School of Music's carillon page for more detailed information.