Presidential Lecture & Performance Series
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Dear Presidential Lecture & Performance Series Patron,
Thank you for your interest in our programming.
I am thrilled to present to you an exciting lineup of events that is leading us to a captivating & educational 2024/25 season. Whether you are a brand new or returning patron: welcome to our small, but impactful program, which aims to enhance the intellectual and cultural landscape of Texas Tech University and the South Plains. I look forward to welcoming you at our events, which we've referred to as President Schovanec's gift to the community for many seasons. I hope you know that your continued support is what makes this program possible, as no performing arts series could exist without its audience's interest.
Thank you for joining us for our 18th season of culture-making tradition. I hope to have you in the Allen Theatre soon; welcome to PLPS!
Dóri Bosnyák
Lead Administrator, Presidential Lecture & Performance Series
The Presidential Lecture & Performance Series provides engaging entertainment and learning opportunities for the Texas Tech University and Lubbock communities. The series honors the rich heritage of the South Plains while encompassing talent from around the world through enriching events such as lectures, modern dance, theater, and concerts. Housed within the Office of the President, the series aims to create a cultural impact accessible to all.
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About the Series
David Byrne: Reasons to Be Cheerful
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 • 7:00PM • Allen Theatre
A Panel Discussion Serving as Tonic for Tumultuous Times
American Patchwork Quartet
Thursday, November 14, 2024 • 7:00PM • Allen Theatre
Folk /Jazz / Country / East Asian Fusion Celebrating the Human Experience
MOMIX: Alice – Fall Down the Rabbit Hole
Thursday, February 20, 2025 • 7:00PM • Allen Theatre
Modern Dance
11th Lubbock Lights: Ricardo Castillon Y La Diferenzia
Friday, April 18, 2025 • 7:00 PM • Allen Theatre
The Presidential Lecture & Performance Series provides engaging entertainment and learning opportunities for the Texas Tech University and Lubbock communities. The series honors the rich heritage of the South Plains while encompassing talent from around the world through enriching events such as lectures, modern dance, theater, and concerts. Housed within the Office of the President, the series aims to create a cultural impact accessible to all.
Contact & Comment
To suggest topics, speakers or performers for future events, or to comment on the current series, contact Presidential Lecture & Performance Series Lead Administrator Dóri Bosnyák.
Parking Arrangements
View Parking Map
We greatly appreciate University Parking Services for their consideration of our patrons in agreeing to provide complimentary parking preceding our events. Parking lots that are available for complimentary use are R03 (the Library lot), R11 (the Band lot), R07 (the Administration Building lot), and R13 (the Visitor lot). Please refer to the map for parking lot locations. Please note that parking in handicap, service and reserved spaces until 11:00 pm is prohibited without a valid TTU parking or handicap permit.
The Terry and Jo Harvey Allen Center for Creative Studies
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Office of the President
115 Administration Building, Box 42005, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2005 -
806-742-2121 -
806-742-2138 -