Jonathan Bennings, M.S.
Operations Division
Alexandra Calle, Ph.D.
Animal and Food Sciences
Allison Childress, Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, LD
Nutritional Sciences
Kristopher Childs, Ph.D.
Education Curriculum and Instruction
Mayukh Dass, Ph.D.
Rawls College of Business
Susanna Dickson, M.S.
Pre-Professional Health Care
Weimin Gao, Ph.D.
Environmental Toxicology
Courtney Gibson, Ph.D.
Agricultural Education and Communications
Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, Ph.D.
Education Curriculum and Instruction
Stephanie Hart, Ed.D.
Office of the Provost
Amy Heard, M.S.
Rattikorn Hewett, Ph.D.
Computer Science
Lyn Jackson
JT & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts
Andrew Jaco
Operations Division Services
Amy Koerber, Ph.D.
College of Media and Communication
Stephanie Legako, M.S., LMFT
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Jodi Martin
College of Human Sciences
Osariemen Osaghae, M.Ed.
Support Operations for Academic Retention
Jerry Perez, Ph.D., M.B.A.
High Performance Computing Center, TTU IT Division
Richard Porter, Ed.D.
Office of International Affairs
Paul Sylvester, Ph.D.
Clay Taylor, Ed.D.
eLearning & Academic Partnerships
Fernando Valle, Ed.D.
College of Education
Kevin Wass, DMA
School of Music
Aaron Zimmerman, Ph.D.
Education Curriculum and Instruction