Sandra Addo, MA
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Jenn Burns, Ph.D
Department of Biological Sciences
Cari Carter, Ph.D
Graduate School
Ryan Curry
TTUS Technology Operations and Systems Management
Josh Deleon
Procurement Services
Elisabeth Grisham, CPA
Budget and Resource Planning and Management
Laci Hardman, MBA
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources - Dean's Office
Callum Hetherington, Ph.D
Rebecca Hite, Ph.D
EDUC Curriculum and Instruction
Bryan K. Hotchkins, Ph.D.
EDUC Educational Psychology, Leadership and Counseling
Brynn Ireland, MBA, MS
SVP Administration and Finance/CFO
Grant Jackson, Ph.D
EDUC Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Counseling
Chathry Keaton, MBA
Rawls College of Business: Graduate and Professional Programs
Sava Kolev, MA
Undergraduate Writing Center
Miguel Levario, Ph.D
Faith Maina, Ph.D
EDUC Curriculum and Instruction
Kathryn Nelson, MLA
Department of Landscape Architecture
Kuhn Park, MArch & MS
Lance Rampy
Transportation and Parking Services
James H. Whitfield, Jr. MA
Student Disability Services
Ryan B. Williams, Ph.D
School of Veterinary Medicine
Glenys Young, MA
Office of Communications and Marketing