The 2024 rankings also saw the university make significant leaps in rankings for individual online disciplines from the previous year.
U.S. News & World Report released its 2024 Best Online Programs rankings today (Feb. 7), and Texas Tech University made a large leap into the top 50 programs nationwide for 2024, signaling the continued growth of the university’s burgeoning online education initiative, Texas Tech Online.
For the second consecutive year, two online programs made double-digit jumps in the rankings:
Texas Tech’s biggest leap came in the online bachelor’s programs, where the university vaulted to No. 50, up 79 spots from 2023 and 110 spots from 2022, and in online master’s education programs, where Texas Tech improved 21 spots from 2023 and 41 spots from 2022 to No. 121.

Also, Texas Tech ranked as the No. 22 school in the U.S. for online MBA programs, an 11-spot leap from a year ago, while the online engineering program jumped 20 spots to No. 37, matching its mark from 2022.
As part of the online MBA rankings, Texas Tech also was ranked No. 19 in the nation, up eight spots from 2023, in best online MBA for veterans, and No. 13 for best non-MBA online master’s of business programs for veterans, continuing the university’s dedication to providing a quality education for those who have served in the armed forces.
“Meeting students where they are, and helping them be successful, has long been a hallmark of Texas Tech University,” said Provost and Senior Vice President Ron Hendrick. “Our student support doesn’t end at the edge of our campus in Lubbock.”

Texas Tech was ranked in the top 30 non-MBA master’s of business online program (No. 28) and No. 63 for its online master’s computer information technology program.
U.S. News & World Report evaluates the distance-learning programs separately from the institution to provide a clear picture of the services and programs available specifically to distance learners. Data is gathered by a statistical survey and analyzed based on student excellence, services and technologies, expert opinion, student engagement, admissions selectivity and faculty credentials and training.
U.S. News & World Report is the global leader in quality rankings that empower consumers, business leaders and policy officials to make better, more informed decisions about important issues affecting their lives and communities.
“Our faculty deserve a lot of the credit for this ranking,” said Vice Provost for Texas Tech Online Brian Still. “They adapt their teaching to connect with students whose lives are busy, and they understand the benefits of earning a degree.”
Texas Tech Online offers more than 80 fully online degrees, certifications and certification preparation programs.