The 13th Annual Global Biosecurity Symposium
Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 7:30am - 1:45pm
Texas Tech University School of Law, Lanier Auditorium
Schedule of Speakers
7:30 - 7:50am - Coffee & Welcome
Victoria Sutton, MPA, PhD, JD
8:00 - 8:30am - Mass Gatherings and Mass Casualties
- No Safe Haven: How the Intersection of International Humanitarian Law and Mass Gathering Law is Destroying Refugee Camps
Preston, Grace - Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become the Villain: Mass Casualty Preparedness in Hospitals and Protecting Doctors from Liability During Mass Casualty Events
Tseung, Ashley
8:35 - 9:05am - Dual-Use and Biodefense Law
- Biotechnology, Bioengineering, and the Dual Use Dilemma: Ensuring Global Biosecurity at the Edges of Scientific Innovation
Jerman, Greg - Avoiding Heating up a Cold War: International Dual-Use Regulation
Stevens, Nick
9:05 - 9:20am - BREAK
9:20 - 10:25am - Regulating Global Bio-threats and Emergencies
- Biosecurity Concerns of International Trade: How Vulnerable Are the Economies of the World to Bio-threats?
Culp, Josh - Exploring State and Federal Quarantine Laws: Suspected of Being Exposed to a Communicable Disease
Cantu, Karla - Lost at Sea: A Plunge Into Cruise Ship ? in the Event of a Biologic Emergency
Tran, Melissa
10:25 - 10:35am - BREAK
10:35 - 11:35am - Agro-defense Law
- Preparing for Agroterror: How is the Texas Animal Health Commission Enforcing Federal Food Defense Regulations?
Hunter, Jordan - Agricultural Security; How a Global Economy & a Global Threat Will Lead to a Global Solution
Anderson, Onzo - Post 9/11 Water Security and the Vulnerability of Water Resources in the Domestic and International Fields
Carver, Charles
11:35am - 12:15pm - LUNCH BREAK - Keynote Speaker
Annette Sobel, P.E., M.D. Global Biomedial Initiative, TTU
12:20 - 1:05pm - Scientific Research in Biodefense
- Legal Framework Surrounding the Development of Vaccines for Select Agents: Do the Legal Incentives Outweigh the Legal Burdens?
Aldrich, Joel - Eco-Terrorism: A Legal Update on the Laws Protecting Scientific Research from Extremist Activists
Leamons, Josh