News Release
Professor Victoria Sutton teaches Global Biosecurity Law and participates as a member of the thesis defense panel in Lithuania
Victoria Sutton recently returned from spending three weeks as an invited professor at Vytautas Magnus University School of Law in Kaunas, Lithuania. During her stay, she taught Global Biosecurity Law and was a member of the thesis defense panel for graduating law students on June 23-24, 2009. Each student is required to defend their thesis in both English and Lithuanian languages. Photo: Professor Vickie Sutton, second from the left, was a member of the thesis examination panel of law professors.
From left to right, Charles Szymanski, Univ of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland); Prof. Victoria Sutton, Texas Tech Univ.; Doc. dr. Julija KIRŠIENĖ, Dean ; dr. Mindaugas BILIUS, Assoc Dean and dr. Tomas BERKMANAS