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Texas Tech University

Lubbock IT Alert

Similar to an alert list that the TTU CIO maintains for Texas Tech University leaders, we are partnering with the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce to provide a similar email-based alert system. Alert mail is only sent for high priority IT security events.

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February 13, 2023

Beware of Romance Scams

The FBI released information regarding romance scams – useful any time of year—and we reprint as a reminder to be vigilant when online, especially during this Valentine's Day period.

January 31, 2023

Beware of Vacant Property Real Estate Scams

The U.S. Secret Service has observed a sharp increase in reports of real estate fraud associated with vacant and unencumbered property. Criminals are posing as real property owners and through a series of impersonations are negotiating the sale of properties which are vacant or lien free. Criminals are using similar techniques that continue to be deployed in real estate specific Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes, to include open-source research. Visit the Secret Service website for guides on BECs and other cyber-enabled financial crimes.

September 21, 2022

Microsoft Ends Service and Support for Windows 8.1

On January 10, 2023, Microsoft will end service and support for Windows 8.1. As of this date, Microsoft will no longer protect the Windows 8.1 platform by issuing software fixes or security updates. As a result, any computer continuing to use Windows 8.1 or earlier versions will have increased exposure to security risks, exploits, malware, and viruses. Additionally, any Office 365 apps running on Windows 8.1 will stop receiving updates from Microsoft on this date.