Texas Tech University

Understanding Data Classification & Risk

Adapted from the University of California and the NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.

Category Type of Data Risk Level

Social Security Number

Driving License Number

Personal Health Information

Student Health Information

Credit Card Information

Banking Account Information

Passwords or Encryption Keys

Information Classified by the Federal Government – National Security Intelligence 

High Data Poses A High Risk Associated With Collecting, Storing, or Transmitting

Education Records and Performance Data (Student, faculty)

Employee Records and Performance Data 

Highly Specific Geolocation Information 

Proprietary Organization or Partner Information 

Organization Safety Infrastructure Architecture and Diagrams 

High Data Poses A High Risk Associated With Collecting, Storing, or Transmitting
Sensitive (Internal)

Intellectual Property

Information Exempted from the Open Records Act Preliminary or Unpublished Research Results

Organization Private Deliberations and Informal Notes 

Other Internal Information or Data Based on Institution 

Medium Data Poses Some Risk Associated With Collecting, Store, or Transmitting

Information Readily Available to the General Public

Observable Attributes and Characteristics  

Website Information 

Low Data is Available for Public Consumption, and Not Restricted

Human Error Risk

Human Error may also pose risk to your data.

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