Texas Tech University

Data Privacy and Confidentiality – Data Management Lifecycle

Lifecycle designed by the NIST - Research Data Framework (RDaF), 2019-current.

Privacy and confidentiality must be considered throughout the data management lifecycle, as Harvard Longwood (2022) depicts:

The lifecycle of data at HMS Plan & Design Collect & Create Analyze & Collaborate Evaluate & Archive Share & Disseminate Access & Reuse Store & Manage
Creative Commons License
Research Data Lifecycle by LMA Research Data Management Working Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

PLAN & DESIGN: Plan processes from onboarding to project closure and data resources

COLLECT & CREATE: Organization and integration of data sets and collection processes

ANALYZE & COLLABORATE: Processing and analyzing data should be collaborative and documented

STORE & MANAGE: Each stage of the Biomedical Data Lifecycle revolves around the management of data storage

EVALUATE & ARCHIVE: Identify essential research records and evaluate for retention

SHARE & DISSEMINATE: Establishing and supporting the reach and impact of your data

ACCESS & REUSE: Ensuring the broad utility of your research data efforts for other researchers

Note that when conducting research with human subjects, both principles are important, and will be evaluated by the TTU IRB.

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