Texas Tech University

Survey Communication Guidelines


Survey Communication Guidelines for Internal Audiences

Texas Tech University recognizes the importance of surveys as valuable tools for gathering insights from faculty, staff and students. To ensure surveys are effective, minimize survey fatigue and thoughtfully consider the demands on our internal audiences, the Digital Communications team in the Marketing & Communications office oversees the review, approval and communication process for campus-wide surveys.


These guidelines aim to:

  • Minimize survey fatigue and avoid unnecessary duplication of effort.
  • Promote survey quality by reviewing design issues and other potential concerns. Protect the privacy of Texas Tech’s internal audiences and ensure compliance with data protection policies.
  • Prioritize surveys that align with Texas Tech’s strategic goals and benefit the university community.
  • Encourage the use of multiple channels for survey promotion, including email, Microsoft Teams and other appropriate internal platforms.


These guidelines apply to surveys targeting Texas Tech’s internal audiences (faculty, staff and students) when:

  • The survey is sent to at least 100 individuals.
  • The survey collects information intended for institutional use.

Exemptions include:

  • Feedback forms for events or workshops administered directly to attendees.
  • Surveys targeting fewer than 100 individuals within a single department.

Survey Review and Communication Process

All survey requests meeting the criteria outlined above must be submitted to the Digital Communications team for evaluation. The review process will assess:

  • Purpose and Relevance: Does the survey align with strategic objectives?
  • Survey Design: Is the survey well-constructed, concise and compliant with best practices?
  • Timing: Does the survey avoid conflicts with other major surveys or university activities?
  • Data Protection: Are measures in place to ensure data security and participant confidentiality?

The team will respond to requests within two weeks of submission. Surveys requiring additional review, approval, or external collaboration may need additional processing time.

Survey Communication Channels

To maximize participation and ensure broad awareness, surveys can be communicated through several channels, including:

  • Email: All surveys must be approved according to these guidelines and sent through the Marketing Cloud platform, managed by the Marketing & Communications office. Emails should clearly state the survey’s purpose, estimated completion time and relevant deadlines. If approved, one initial email and one reminder email will be sent.
  • Microsoft Teams: Surveys can be promoted through posts in relevant channels or team spaces, ensuring visibility among faculty, staff and students.
  • Internal Websites: Survey links can be shared through official Texas Tech websites, Sharepoint and other communication platforms that reach internal audiences.
  • Digital Signage and Posters: In high-traffic areas on campus, printed or digital posters may be used to inform about ongoing surveys. More information can be found on this website.

Survey administrators should work with the Digital Communications team to identify the most effective communication methods based on the survey’s target audience and scope.

Survey Administration Guidelines

  • Surveys must clearly communicate their purpose to participants.
  • Data must be stored securely on TTU-approved systems and used only for specified purposes.
  • Survey administrators are responsible for adhering to all relevant data governance policies.
  • Surveys should be communicated thoughtfully to minimize disruption to participants' daily routines.

Additional Considerations

For expedited reviews or inquiries about exemptions, contact the Digital Communications team.

Following these guidelines ensures that survey practices respect the time and privacy of our community while supporting institutional improvement and decision-making.