Texas Tech University


Our Voice

Be confident and proud but stay humble. Exude passion, but don't be aggressive. Demonstrate education but remain understandable. Write with West Texas hospitality – be friendly, welcoming and accessible to a wide variety of readers.

As often as possible, try to answer these four questions: 

  1. Who are we?
  2. Who needs to know?
  3. How will they find out?
  4. Why should they care? 

Our Tone

  • Hard work and grit
  • Camaraderie and community
  • Authenticity
  • Balancing history and tradition with creativity and innovation
  • Academic excellence
  • Commitment to inclusion
  • Passion to do what's right
  • Determination to perpetually better ourselves, our communities and the impact we make

From Here, It's Possible Stories

Texas Tech was founded on the values of individuals stepping up and doing anything they can to help make a better life for themselves and others. Even today, there is a sense of camaraderie, determination and pure West Texas grit that brings together the unique strengths of many different people to build a community and thrive. Anything written in the voice of Texas Tech should carry an undertone of our most important ideal: From Here, It's Possible – and often, this message is much more obvious. 

Writing Guidelines

Marketing & Communications maintains Writing Guidelines for all Texas Tech stakeholders as a reference for how to refer to the various colleges, departments, buildings, centers, institutes and other university entities. You can find the Writing Guidelines here.

Need More Information?

Contact Glenys Young (glenys.young@ttu.edu) or Doug Hensley (doug.hensley@ttu.edu).

The Texas Tech Brand