Texas Tech University



The following guidelines are specific to websites at Texas Tech. For an in-depth understanding of the Texas Tech Brand, please review our Visual Identity.

Design Guidelines

Web Typography

Our official Texas Tech typefaces are Helvetica Neue and Charter. We strongly recommend websites and digital applications use only Helvetica Neue since serif fonts like Charter can be difficult to read on screen. If Helvetica Neue is unavailable, use Arial as an alternative.

Our official Texas Tech Global Template uses styles that follow this recommendation and automatically formats attractive, readable headers and paragraphs.

Web Colors

Primary Colors



HEX #000000


HEX #E90802




Complementary Colors


Light Gray


Dark Gray

HEX #333333

Medium Gray

HEX #757575



Learn to Use Our Texas Tech Web Colors for Accessibility


Required Web Components

University Provided Footer

The official footer includes, but is not limited to:

  • Links required by TAC §206, State Websites,
  • Links required by University policies,
  • Declaration that the page is part of the Texas Tech University System; and
  • Date published or last updated.

Centralized Style Sheet

All areas utilizing the official Texas Tech Global Template must link to a centralized style sheet. Our centralized style sheet helps ensure a consistent experience across all websites and facilitates future changes to the template design.

Additional style sheets are permitted on websites under the following conditions. Styles must not:

  • Overwrite or change template fonts, text sizes, or text colors
  • Remove or change required template elements

Additional style sheets are subject to review at any time. Changes to the centralized style sheet may affect any additional styles added to your website.

Global Template Details

Graphics Standards

Optimize all images to ensure pages load as quickly as possible. The recommended resolution for web graphics is 72dpi.

Save graphics in the most appropriate format (JPG, GIF, PNG) for their content. For example, save photographs as JPGs and logos as PNGs to retain the best quality.

The official Texas Tech Global Template scales images across all screens and devices for optimal display. Size images 1.5 or 2 times the intended display size to ensure image quality. For example, if you have an image that should display at 100px by 200px, the recommended size to save the file is 200px by 400px.

Need More Information?

Contact Noemi Martínez (noemi.m.martinez@ttu.edu).


The Texas Tech Brand